2023 Middle School Season
You can download your PDF Version of the 2023 preseason packet here
Middle School JXC has its own Remind to stay informed; new updates daily during season;
Remind: Enter 81010, text @jmmsxc2223
Coaches' Contact Information is below:
Coach Paul Dillick psd2jc@jackson.sparcc.org
Registration items with links:
Physical Form: Click on this link → Athletic Physical Form ​
You need to have a physical on file before August 1st - you can NOT begin official practice without this form!
Take this directly to the MIDDLE SCHOOL MAIN OFFICE and turn in ALL TWELVE PAGES. Be sure the STUDENT, PARENT and DOCTOR pages are all signed and dated. *Students and parents must sign pages 3, 4, 7, 8, 11 and 12! Doctors must sign pages 5 and 6.*
Do NOT turn in to coaches. All questions about physicals should be directed to the middle school athletic office.
Pay to Participate Form: Click on this link → Participation Fee Form
Take this directly to the MIDDLE SCHOOL MAIN OFFICE and turn in WITH PAYMENT.
Do NOT turn into the coaches. All questions about fees should be directed to the athletic office at JMMS.
Fees are due to the JMMS athletic office by September 5th, 2023.
Online Athletic Registration: Click on this link → Jackson Memorial Middle School Athletic Page
Click on the ATHLETICS TAB on the Jackson Memorial Middle School webpage.
Click on the ATHLETIC REGISTRATION LINK. *Be sure it is the 2023-2024 school year!
Fill out the form and SUBMIT IT ELECTRONICALLY. Do NOT turn in a printed form.
You may register for multiple sports. Register for both cross country AND track.