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Banquet Award Presentation Form

This form needs to be turned in to the coaches by Monday, Nov. 8th!

Banquet Date: November 21, 2021     1:00-4:o0 pm

We are going to using a new format for the presentation of individual awards (certificate winners, 1st year letter, 2nd year letter, 3rd year, 4th year, All FLC, All Stark, etc.). You will walk across the stage as your name, PR, and a personal message is read while being presented your award(s). I am borrowing this format from the SummaCelebration.

Grades 9 - 11 You will get to choose one of the following to be read - a personal thank you or a favorite memory...however you must keep this to under 120 character just like twitter and it must be school appropriate (if you do not choose something appropriate a generic message will be selected for you).

Seniors You will get to choose 2 of the following 3 personal messages - favorite memory, personal thank you, and advice for future runners (this will eliminate the collective senior speech at the end). I will still be presenting the special awards and I will be calling the 3rd and 4th year senior letterwinners back onto the stage to talk to them as a collective whole. The rest of the banquet will be similar to how it has been in the past.

Last Name:                                                                         First Name:                                                            Grade:             Career PR:


To be completed by grades 9-11.

Pick One

*Favorite Memory      

(120 characters or less)

*Personal Thank you

(120 characters or less)

To be completed by Seniors

Pick Two

*Favorite Memory        

 (120 characters or less)

*Personal Thank you        

(120 characters or less)

*Advice for future runners

(120 characters or less)

Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at 7.57.28 PM.png

To sign up for Remind text @jxcbears to 81010.

JXC Parent Group actively accepts donations to help run all programs. These donations help support sending a runner to camp, JXC Scholarship fund, course costs, team tents to name a few. If you would like to donate to JXC you can do so by clicking the Donate button here. 

Copyright 2024 Jackson High School

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